Sri Lanka Safety

Is Sri Lanka Secure?

With SLASL 1/4 Tours, you can rest assured that your well-being and security are treated with utmost importance. As the global community grapples with the implications of Covid-19, the desire to explore has rebounded with unwavering strength. The world is vast, and numerous individuals are enthusiastic about discovering it. While some may approach this with caution, they still aspire to organize a vacation. Evaluating the safety of your trip to Sri Lanka varies among different individuals. As the world adjusts to a new reality, it is your entitlement to anticipate and demand rigorous safety protocols and preventive measures from airlines, drivers, guides, and accommodations. When you pose the question, “Can I embark on a journey to Sri Lanka post Covid-19?” you deserve a comprehensive response. Below, we aim to furnish you with all the essential information.

Sri Lanka and the Covid-19 Scenario

The severity and extent of Covid-19 statistics are under continuous surveillance worldwide, and this trend is likely to persist for the foreseeable future. SLASL 1/4’s response during the peak of the Covid-19 crisis was prompt and professional. With two decades of experience in curating Sri Lanka vacations, we have established our reputation amidst favorable and challenging times alike. We perpetually assess health and safety measures for our team members and all our associates, including drivers, recommended accommodations, and activity providers. Sri Lanka effectively introduced efficient Covid testing services in major tourist hubs for those in need. As 2023 unfolds, the sight of masks in shops remains common.

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